Thursday, December 20, 2012

7th Project (1/2 Acre) Des Moines CORE!


Billy O' Group is proud to present; 7th Project Downtown Des Moines CORE!!

Podium style construction, multi-story wood above first floor concrete structure
Mix of 1 and 2 bedrooms, average unit size of 770 SF
Rents of $1.50/SF (based on NWMLS & Craigslist data for rented higher end condos)
64-65 units in an L-shaped building, 75’ deep
85,000 SF gross (including parking), 50,000 SF rentable (living units), 3 floors above podium level
Partial level underground parking; ½ of the stalls below grade, ½ of the stalls at grade

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Billy O' group is proud to Represent Captive LLC in it's facelift of Tacoma's sexy and swanky Tempest Bar. OPEN SOON!

Photo: Billy O' group strikes again... Tacoma's Tempest bar. Open soon!

Developing Houghton homes on Lake Washington Blvd...... 121212, a day I will never forget for a few reasons. Thank God for an interesting and fun filled life!! -O'